Saturday, September 26, 2015

Let's go back a bit. Hot Chocolate 15K Race Re-Cap

So I got this email, here's some great race swag!!  Run this super easy 15K race and get this super cool medal and everyone gets this rad sweatshirt....sure why not?  It's only 9ish miles, I drank the kool aid and signed up me and Big Daddy for the Hot Chocolate 15K.  We had never run a 15K, sounded like a great way to ditch the kiddos and have a date day.  There was a chocolate involved, how could it be bad?  Well let me tell you, it's damn cold in February in Tennessee.  And while we were training it was all kinds of brutal, windy, cold, and there were some runs we had to skip because it was just too cold or icy.

Race day finally arrived, we had packed about every piece of cold weather gear we could think of and headed to Nashville for the race.  We headed downtown for packet pickup and the expo.  If you have never been to a race expo it is the best....random race gear and products from all over and things you never thought you needed are there.  Wonder Woman compression running socks complete with cape, don't mind if I do!  We looked around and then we snagged our packets (aka bib and super rad sweatshirt swag) and headed to Big Daddy's mom's house (aka Gamma) where we were staying for the night and ditching the kids to run.  It was Valentine's Day, we treated ourselves to a date!

We layered, and layered, and layered that morning....we were still cold.  I think I could finally feel my feet after about 3 miles.  I put a WAY slower time than I should have for our pace and our corral was farther back than it needed to be, we stood around for quite awhile.

Big Daddy stays at my pace, even though he is cRaZy faster than me, and we finished with just over 9:30mm for our pace....not too shabby!

We kissed coming across the finish line, there is a pic somewhere to prove it!  Collected our medals and headed for the CHOCOLATE!!!!!!!  Not sure if I was in desperate need of fuel or that truly was the BEST chocolate fondue I have EVER eaten.  I licked it out of the bowl, don't judge.

So that was it, I was hooked again....and I did what every runner that had a good race does and signed up for the next race....the RnR Country Music Half Marathon.

Me and Big Daddy post race!

Race Date: February 14, 2015

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