Monday, November 30, 2015

Thanksgiving Day Wild Turkey 5K

Hey look at that, my post title rhymes!! Woo!!!

Ok on to the race re-cap.  Since we were traveling to Grandpa's house for Thanksgiving we decided to find a race nearby to run.  Our fave Outer Banks running company ( was hosting a 5k, bam, decision made   So I signed us up for the Wild Turkey 5K, with plenty of grandparents and aunts around to help with the tiny princesses it was a fabulous way to kick off the holiday (and get a head start on burning off some of those calories we were going to consume).  And of course I hit up Hippie Runner for a Turkey Trotter headband!

Check out that rad headband!!

On race day we woke up early enough to get to the start with plenty of time and no traffic snags.  Up to Corolla, NC it is a single lane each way so traffic could easily back up.  We made a pit stop at Walmart (I had bought decongestant the day before but somehow misplaced it and thanks to princess #2 I was in the middle of a head cold) on the way, and even scored some Shopkins stuff for the stockings!

We arrived at the start at the Whalehead Club and picked up our race packets (bib and long sleeved tshirt).  We dazzled the volunteers with our race belts, they had never seen anything like it before.  Big Daddy uses one from Zoot (because it has nutrition loops) and mine is from BocoGear.  We hiked to the bathroom (which was pretty far from the start) and then dropped our shirts at the car.  With plenty of time before the start of our race we hung out and watched the Fun Run which included an entire family dressed like turkeys and a lot of adorable little kiddos.  After all of the Fun Runners we lined up at the start.

Ready to run!

Big Daddy thought we could keep our pace at about 8 minute miles, I felt ok with that but prayed the head cold that was heading toward my chest wouldn't hinder our super speedy plan.  And we were off on our first ever Thanksgiving run together (Big Daddy ran a race on Thanksgiving the first year we were married but I stayed home to cook)!  We maintained the pace pretty well.  Then he came.....a runner was going just a bit slower than Big Daddy and he was having a hard time not tripping over his feet so we powered around him.  Then he sped up, and stayed RIGHT behind us....and he was a heavy breather and his steps were heavy.  Ugh.  As we came up to the water station I was pretty sure we could lose him and we did, thank goodness!!!!  Not a quarter of a mile later he flippin' caught up to us again....seriously guy.  He stayed RIGHT behind us, like between us, it was awful and driving me bananapants.  I slowed down and veered off to let him go by, I couldn't take it any more and I was starting to have some issues from my dang chest cold.  My lungs were burning, it was horrible.  I felt like I could only get air in  about a third of my lungs.  I had to stop, which of course made Big Daddy upset (pretty sure he would be half dead bleeding from everywhere and still maintain his pace...I, however, am not a machine) and although he was trying to be encouraging it came out as pissed off.  Not great, I don't deal well with pissed off.  So I got back going just a few seconds later and tried to stay on pace and I did but then I had to stop again about half a mile from the finish.  I just could not handle the lung burning, it was awful...and of course Big Daddy was not happy again.

We crossed the finish line, got our turkey medals and walked over to the Sound to recover.  My Garmin didn't show a full 3.1 miles so I had to wait for the official results to be emailed to get my true finish time.

Inaugural Wild Turkey 5k Finishers!

We didn't stick around for any of the post-race fun, we headed back to Grandpa's house for showers, food prep, and a family football game!

Later in the day I finally got the official race results emailed and I PRed!!!!  My time was 25:22 which made my pace (even stopping twice) 8:10mm!!! YES!!!  Oh and bonus, I finished FIRST in my age group!!!!!  My first EVER first place finish!!!!!!!!!!

FIRST in my age group!!! WOOO!!!!!

Race date was November 26, 2015.

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